Hannah Henderson

UPW Heavyweight Champion


Height: 6'6"

Weight: 326 lbs

From: Marquette, MI

UPW Women's Champion

Jackie B.

UPW American Champion


Height: 5'11"

Weight: 420 lbs.

From: Richmond, VA

Facebook: Jason Ferrier

UPW Tag Team Champions

Ghetto Gear Solid

Ruff Ryder Rashaan

Killa Kaz Karter

w/ Johnny Shane

"Big Country"

BJ Allen

Height: 5'10

Weight: 250

From: Trenary, MI

Facebook: Bradley Jankowski


Joey 'Jet' Avalon

"Simply Sanitational"

Johnny Shane

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 200 lbs.

From: Royal Oaks, MI

"The Honorable"

Judge Jesse

"The Beast"

Killa Kaz Karter

Height: 5’9


From: Killwaukee,WI

TikTok: KaptainKush247

YouTube: Solid Gear Network

Facebook: Kaz Karter/Ghetto Gear Solid

"Nerd Rage"

Melvin Hayes

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 260 lbs.

From: His mother's basement

Tiktok: ope_itsadam

Youtube: ope_itsadam

Facebook: wrestlingnerd

"Queen of XXXTREME"

Peter B. Beautiful

Height: 6'3"

Weight: A Lady never tells...

From: San Francisco, CA

Facebook: peterbbeautiful

"Old School"

Ric Caurdiea

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 300 lbs. of Hoss Power

From: 6:05 Studios

YouTube: Ric Caurdiea

FaceBook: Ric Caurdiea - Pro Wrestler

X (Twitter): @CarDeeEHHH

Instagram: @riccaurdiea

Ruff Ryder Rashaan

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 265 lbs

From: Gary, IN

TikTok: Ghetto Gear Solid

X (Twitter): Rashaan455

Instagram: Ghetto Gear Solid/

Facebook: Ghetto Gear Solid

CapCut: Ghetto Gear Solid

YouTube: Solid Gear Network

Steve White

We honestly don't know what he does anymore...

Or why he's even on here...




Height: 6'2

Weight: 400

From: Des Plaines. IL

Tiktok: TheDev

Youtube: TheDev

Facebook: Devon Sischo